21 Apr Pruning Tree Suckers On Private Property
What are suckers
Branche(s) that have started growing from the base or the roots of a tree. The leaves may look different, it may produce inferior fruit, or it may be a different kind of tree all together. Sucker can be a sign of age. Many trees sucker more as they grow old and start to decay. Some tree species are naturally more prone to suckering than others.
How to remove suckers
Use a sharp, clean pair of pruning shears, cleanly cut the plant sucker as close to the ground/tree as possible. The smaller the “branch” the better it is for the tree. If the suckers are tiny buds simply rub them off with your hand.
When not to remove suckers
Suckers growing on trees along boulevards and in public spaces are to be pruned only by the landscaping contractor hired by the Home Owners Association.
If suckers on your own trees are too large for your pruning shears to easily cut through, or if the suckers are higher than 30 cm above ground level, you should contact an arborist or tree specialist for help.